Register to receive tutoring or mentoring.
If you are a Cambridge AICE graduate click here
Thank you for joining Can Bridge the Gap! We aim to help AICE level students succeed in the Cambridge International program and the college application process. In order to achieve these goals, we offer you:
– Tutoring: assistance in a specific AS & A classes, papers or exams
– Mentoring: general support, organizational tips, and friendly guidance
Note: Since our members offer their assistance at no cost, out priority is to first help those who cannot afford them or do not have access to them locally. Thus, we ask to complete the sign-up form honestly and thoroughly. We will be able to better match you with a tutor or mentor that fits your goals if you are more specific with the information below. Be sure that we shall keep your information private and secure.
If we accept your submission, you will receive an email within a week with further instructions.
Reminder: if you want your information deleted from our database or have any inquiries, just email us at [email protected]
A mentor can assist you with general AICE help, time management, college applications and other topics.